Jacksonville Sail and Power Squadron

What is The United States Power Squadron

Organized in 1914, USPS® is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable by teaching classes in seamanship, navigation and related subjects. Our members are boating families who contribute to their communities by promoting safe boating through education. We enjoy participating with our fellow members

Jacksonville Sail and Power Squadron

Our Squadron has been serving the Jacksonville area including the Fernandina and St Augustine areas for over 70 years. The Jacksonville Squadron has been offering Boating Safety classes to the general public since the beginning.

We invite you to visit our Public Education page and learn about the Safe Boating Course and to see the schedule for those classes. We are active in the social life of the Squadron with monthly meeting and a monthly weekend cruise to interesting locations.The Squadron supports and participates in many civic events such as the Kingfish Tournament, the Mug Race, Poker Run and others. Those events are listed in the “Events” tab.

Information on all the scheduled activities are on the Event tab.

Membership Information

Membership in the United States Power Squadrons and the Jacksonville Sail and Power Squadron is available to all persons. For more information on membership, please contact

Tom Anderson membership@jspsboating.club

Education Information

For information on the various education offerings, please contact

Tom Anderson JSPS-EducationOfficer@jspsboating.club